Hope for the Languished Heart — Brighton (Lang) Hart

It is hard for me to know where to begin. I could start when I was a little girl and all I ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. I could start with how I had hoped that in college, I would find the man of my dreams and get married by 20. […]

All I Wanted to Be: A Sister’s Story — Aria J. Malik

Silence is a hollow, overwhelming sound. It oozed into every corner of  the hospital room that night. The sound of crying filled the room. But not hers. It would never, could never, be hers. The crying came from each and every member of my family present. My mom, my dad, my brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, […]

Surrender in the Stillness — Zoe Price

As I reflect on the past, I am truly in awe of how the Lord does indeed know what is best for us. There were lots of times I had the question of, “Why,” but even in those moments of questioning, my heart clung to the fact that the Lord is faithful to see us […]

A Hope & A Future — Michael Dietzel

In the fall of 2023, I was overwhelmed with satisfaction in the kind gifts God had given me. I loved working at my church where I could enable and accomplish large amounts of ministry. I had good relationships with the people in my church and with my own immediate family. And after a decade of […]

Worthy of Worship — Stacy Zamroz

First of all, bear with me as I am not an English professor nor a writer, but I will do my best to articulate our story. I’m deeply humbled to be asked to share this especially since I know many have walked through more difficult trials. As I write and recall all the little details […]

The Days Ordained for Me — Amy Faustino

In April of 2013, I discovered I was pregnant with our fourth child. My husband Lou and our three children Grace (6), Rocco (5), and Evelyn (3) were so excited. In our joy, we wanted to share our news with family. Lou called his parents, and I called my mom. My mom was thrilled, of […]

Those Dreaded Words

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017, is a day I shall never forget. I was ministering in the greater Baltimore, Maryland area, both for a Biblical Counseling Conference on the weekend, and then preparing also to preach on the Lord’s Day, ministering to the dear folks at Baltimore Bible Church—at the kind invitation of my friend, Pastor […]

Faithfulness Amidst the Storm

On November 14, of 2022, I got a phone call from Phoenix Children’s Hospital that would forever change our family. We were told that we needed to come to the hospital the next day, on our middle son’s 8th birthday, with bags packed and ready to stay for at least 5 days. They weren’t able […]

Surrender and Security

Hello! My name is Patrick Scoggin. I was born and raised in Laurel, MS, and now live in Winston-Salem, NC with my wonderful wife and three phenomenal kids. I am a nurse, a musician, and a member of Twin City Bible Church in Winston-Salem. God has truly blessed me in this life, and I have […]

40 Minutes – Kristen Ironside

But we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. —Romans 5:3 “Lethal.” The doctor’s eyes filled with tears as she uttered the word. Already, she knew the impact this diagnosis would have on me greater than I did myself. I wasn’t sure if my own […]

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